Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sand animation experiments

Here's a very short clip of some sand animation. I was just playing around for a few minutes. The camera I have is painfully slow, so before I spend some more time I'll have to get a new one, or I'll end up tearing my hair out. Anyone have any suggestions for a fast digital camera? I may look into a fancy webcam. I don't need one with a very high resolution. I wonder what resolutions webcams come in nowadays...

I haven't been able to spend very much time experimenting with my new sand animation set-up. Hopefully I'll get to that this weekend. I've been working on a special project for a special friend. I can't reveal it just yet because this friend may be reading. I'll be posting photos up in the coming weeks.

I was poking around youtube and found this weird video "51 Things I Found Around my House". The video is basically a teenage girl holding up different objects for the camera, edited with quick cuts and put to music. I feel sort of voyeuristic posting this video, but there are over 1000 video responses to this video. I love how teens are so obsessed with documenting their lives. 

Check out this video response to "51 Things I Found Around my House".   I wonder if the little girl actually edited this herself. I know many people may think a 6 or 7 year old girl is not capable of video editing, but I know there are kids out there that can use iMovie and Moviemaker.  I have actually taught a stop-motion animation class to 6 and 7 year olds, and met several kids that knew the basics of iMovie. I'll post some of their animations in the coming days.  It's so amazing how the non-linear concept comes naturally to kids now...

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