Sunday, January 24, 2010

doilies from my giant great grandmother

While at my parent's place over Christmas my mom dug out a gift my great grandmother gave me years ago... She died 11 years ago (I think she was 98).  She was an incredible woman, had a beautiful garden with a peach tree and a cherry tree and she made beautiful lace and doilies.  Did i mention she was a huge woman?  Not in the obese kind of way, but she had huge hands and feet and she must have been close to 6 feet tall. She wore floral dresses she would make and when she would get bigger she would just sew in extra panels of floral fabric.  She kept her thick hair in a wild, grey bob.  She clearly didn't give a hoot about what anyone thought of her, and my mom and I really admired that.

I kept the wrapping paper from the present she gave me.  I wanted to keep it so that I could remember her uniquely beautiful handwriting...

Here is a really interesting dual doily that came in the package. She may have intended for it to be Christmas themed, with the green and red, but after all my Christmas decorations were put away it doesn't seem so Christmas-y.

The package also contained two delicate doilies in a ziploc bag. I'm thinking about framing them together.

1 comment:

  1. I would definetly frame the doilies. My baka had big hands and feet too, wore floral dresses underneath an apron. She never took the apron off, it was like a uniform. The years of farming had wheathered her face to the point of masculinity. She had a strong will and a soft heart.

